Jim Rohn once said "Your network is your networth." Those are factual words. The people you surround yourself (online and offline) with can totally change your life one way or the other.
If you are not around The Right People then you are around The Wrong People. Being around The Right People is the only way to Success. Raj Sukheja
Hi, I’m Raj Sukheja, welcoming you to The BIG RED at Red Mammoth Ventures - Events and it is great to see you all here. WOW, this is an exciting moment where things will begin to change for you.
You see, The BiG RED is not just about meeting people, it is about meeting The Right People in the shortest possible time, introducing yourself to them and making an impact by offering to support them in the best possible manner you can.
Our Team makes sure that there are different businesses in our EVENT that each category doesn’t conflict with another so as to ensure TOTAL Coverage. Add to that a place with ambience, great food, think tank session with experienced and new business in the room, the formula works wonders.